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Monday, June 30, 2008

6 months later...

As of today, I've been in South Africa for 6 months! That's half a year! Time really does fly. God's been shaping me so much and developing certain characteristics in me. I know I've changed a lot. God's taught me a lot of lessons...some of which I've been learning the hard way. I've learned to live without. I've learned to adapt. I've learned to rely on God...for everything. I've learned to manage my time. I've learned that it's better to be obedient than to screw up and have to ask for forgiveness. Of course the Lord forgives us, but there are still consequences. I've learned how incredible God's grace and forgiveness are. I've learned what it means to show Christ's love to people. I've seen many, many salvations. I've realized that no matter where we are in the world, no matter what color out skin is, no matter what language we speak, as followers of Christ, we all serve the same awesome God, and we're all one body.

I've met people who've changed my life; who've made me a better person, people that I'll never be able to forget. I've had the incredible privilege of living half way across the world in the most beautiful place I've ever been to. I've learned how to live in a house with 12 other people (and didn't completely lose my mind!). I've learned to really speak up for myself and what's right. I've seen joy in the poorest people and realized for myself that the enemy cannot steal our joy. I've seen poverty like I'd never imagined, and I refuse to sit back and do nothing. I can't turn my head anymore. I cannot deny that people are literally starving to death. I've realized what a huge blessing it is to have an amazing, supportive family, and to have a wonderful a bunch of friends that support you and pray for you. So...Thank you SO SO SO much for all your prayers and support. I CANNOT WAIT to see where God brings me in the next 6 months! I love and miss you all.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

J-Bay Pics

Here are a couple of pics from J-Bay!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Back to class

Monday mornings are really exciting here in Jbay on the YWAM base. On Monday mornings the whole base gets together for worship. True Africa style, with lots of dancing. :) Most of the songs are in English and songs that we would sing at Foothills, so that's cool, but we also sing some African songs that are in Afrikaans. I think every African song that we sing has some sort of dance to it. It's really cool to see how free people are in worship here. And the guys that lead worship here on the base are really talented. I love it.

Today was my first day back to class since our two week break. It felt really good to be back in the class room. There's a joke in YWAM about the School of Biblical Studies. We have many hours a week that we sit in class listening to lectures, plus many hours sitting down doing charts and reading and doing homework. So, the SBS is also referred to as the Sore Butt School.

The beach here is so beautiful. And today it's finally nice and warm. No...not warm. It's HOT. I bet it's in the 80's today. I'm trying to add a few pictures of the ocean that were taken here in Jeffreys Bay. God is so creative.

Alright, I have some homework that I need to get back to. I am missing home like crazy. Keep Mia and me in your prayers. Tot siens!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Freezing in June...

Wow. I can't believe I'm blogging. Hopefully it'll be easier for everyone back home to stay updated on what's happening with Mia and me here in South Africa.

I have to admit that I'm a little jealous that it's summer time back at home. It's extremely weird to be half way through June and freezing COLD. June? Strange. Last week the weather was gorgeous though. Mia and I spent almost every day last week at the beach looking for shells. Which is, of course, her favorite new found hobby. Every morning she wakes up and asks to go to the beach to find shells.

Mia is growing like a little weed though. It's nice to finally be able to carry on a conversation with her. She actually responds to me! It's great. Although at times I haven't the slightest clue what she's talking about because she's been making up her own words. She hears so many people around her speaking Afrikaans so I think she tries to copy them and it comes out as total gibberish sometimes.

At the moment there's not a whole lot happening. I start class again on Monday. I've had a great little two week break from classes, and I'm actually ready to get back into the swing of things and dig into God's Word more. It's really been great to stop and catch my breath though. Well I guess that's all for now. Tot siens!