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Saturday, January 17, 2009

He fulfills promises

We spend our lives trying to make sense of God... trying to understand Him. He moves in completely unexpected and unpredictable ways. I mean look at Abraham. God made a covenant with Abraham. He made a promise that He would bless Abraham and that his descendants would be as numerous as the stars in the sky and that they would be a great nation. I can picture Abraham: full of hope and faith; knowing that His God was a God who fulfilled promises. But then the unexpected happened... God was silent. Things didn't quickly fall into place like Abraham thought they would. God didn't move immediately. Instead, all Abraham was left with was a barren, contemptuous wife and a pitch black sky filled with millions of radiant stars which represented this seemingly impossible covenant.

But, in His own timing, in His own way... God moved. He fulfilled this incredible promise.

Wait... so what is a covenant? It's a one-way agreement where the covenanter (God) is the only party bound by the promise. Consequentially, the only party that can break a covenant is the covenanter. Did you catch that? God made this covenant with Abraham which meant that this was set in stone... done. no Indian giving. This promise could NOT be taken back. Amazing! YET... because of the unpredictability of the Lord and the way He chooses to move, Abraham ended up doubting God and He and Sarah tried to take matters into their own hands, resulting in a huge fiasco.

The same lessons apply for us today. It all begins with faith. Genesis 15:6 says that Abraham's faith was accounted to his as righteousness. But Abraham's downfall was his impatience. He wanted to see immediate results. He didn't want to wait. And when God didn't act instantaneously, Abraham decided He'd help God out. Also, God defies all odds. What is impossible with man is possible with God. There is nothing too big or too small for God.

Isaiah 55:8 & 9...

8The LORD says:
"My thoughts and my ways
are not like yours.
9Just as the heavens
are higher than the earth,
my thoughts and my ways
are higher than yours.

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